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upward retail

wr-ap upward retail site photo

Our upward retail strategy for an existing retail property in southwest London looks to provide a solution to this rallying call. The conversion of an existing disused commercial office unit and the provision of a new level of accommodation will bring new life to this underutilised retail proposition whilst also at the same time offering affordable housing to its community.

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Sited next to a building of townscape merit the design response is one that is both respectful of the neighbouring sensitivities whilst also offering a contemporary addition to the streetscape.

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Whilst the residential units are small in nature they still meet national space standards and they will also offer the occupants true dual aspect. Large floor to ceiling glazing matched with a modern metal façade application will provide an individuality within the terrace that the proposals sit.

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Currently at the pre-application stage the proposals are expected to be submitted for planning later in 2020.

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